Search Results: "rsl"

4 March 2016

Antonio Terceiro: Debian Ruby Sprint 2016 - day 4: Steady Progress, Deferred Spring Cleaning, and Capital Sins

As the day 4 of the Debian Ruby team sprint in Curitiba unfolded, we have now fixed a total of more than 70 build failure bugs, managed to almost finish the Ruby 2.3 transition to be good to migrate into testing, and bootstrapped some documentation that will help new contributors get up to speed with Ruby packaging faster. We have also requested the removal of several packages that are either severely outdated, abandoned upstream, beyond repair, utterly wrong, or in some cases, all of the above. The full list of work items finished yesterday is: We also managed to flirt with 2 capital sins. For those who care about these things, which I don t (but I still care about you), I guess 2 out of 7 still means we are good? :-) I few people that I will not name complained that they hadn t had enough steak on the previous night, so we set out to visit a traditional all-you-can-eat Brazilian steakhouse ( churrascaria ). I made a reservation at Jardins Grill and there you have gluttony. I am pretty sure that not enough steak wasn t an issue last night. You can see how happy, despite being full to almost the point of being sick, everyone was. A disjunct set of people, who I will also not name, were very disappointed to find out that the ruby-tinder package has absolutely nothing to do with Tinder but were still very active on the later. Maybe Friday night we will have to split the group into a lust-free family party and a Tinder party.

17 December 2015

Simon Josefsson: Let s Encrypt Clients

As many others, I have been following the launch of Let s Encrypt. Let s Encrypt is a new zero-cost X.509 Certificate Authority that supports the Automated Certificate Management Environment (ACME) protocol. ACME allow you to automate creation and retrieval of HTTPS server certificates. As anyone who has maintained a number of HTTPS servers can attest, this process has unfortunately been manual, error-prone and differ between CAs. On some of my personal domains, such as this, I have been using the CACert authority to sign the HTTPS server certificate. The problem with CACert is that the CACert trust anchors aren t shipped with sufficient many operating systems and web browsers. The user experience is similar to reaching a self-signed server certificate. For organization-internal servers that you don t want to trust external parties for, I continue to believe that running your own CA and distributing it to your users is better than using a public CA (compare my XMPP server certificate setup). But for public servers, availability without prior configuration is more important. Therefor I decided that my public HTTPS servers should use a CA/Browser Forum-approved CA with support for ACME, and as long as Let s Encrypt is trustworthy and zero-cost, they are a good choice. I was in need of a free software ACME client, and set out to research what s out there. Unfortunately, I did not find any web pages that listed the available options and compared them. The Let s Encrypt CA points to the official Let s Encrypt client, written by Jakub Warmuz, James Kasten, Peter Eckersley and several others. The manual contain pointers to two other clients in a seamingly unrelated section. Those clients are letsencrypt-nosudo by Daniel Roesler et al, and simp_le by (again!) Jakub Warmuz. From the s client-dev mailing list I also found by Gerhard Heift and LetsEncryptShell by Jan Moj . Is anyone aware of other ACME clients? By comparing these clients, I learned what I did not like in them. I wanted something small so that I can audit it. I want something that doesn t require root access. Preferably, it should be able to run on my laptop, since I wasn t ready to run something on the servers. Generally, it has to be Secure, which implies something about how it approaches private key handling. The letsencrypt official client can do everything, and has plugin for various server software to automate the ACME negotiation. All the cryptographic operations appear to be hidden inside the client, which usually means it is not flexible. I really did not like how it was designed, it looks like your typical monolithic proof-of-concept design. The simp_le client looked much cleaner, and gave me a good feeling. The client is simple and written in /bin/sh shell script, but it appeared a bit too simplistic. The LetsEncryptShell looked decent, but I wanted something more automated. What all of these clients did not have, and that letsencrypt-nosudo client had, was the ability to let me do the private-key operations. All the operations are done interactively on the command-line using OpenSSL. This would allow me to put the ACME user private key, and the HTTPS private key, on a YubiKey, using its PIV applet and techniques similar to what I used to create my SSH host CA. While the HTTPS private key has to be available on the HTTPS server (used to setup TLS connections), I wouldn t want the ACME user private key to be available there. Similarily, I wouldn t want to have the ACME or the HTTPS private key on my laptop. The letsencrypt-nosudo tool is otherwise more rough around the edges than the more cleaner simp_le client. However the private key handling aspect was the deciding matter for me. After fixing some hard-coded limitations on RSA key sizes, getting the cert was as simple as following the letsencrypt-nosudo instructions. I ll follow up with a later post describing how to put the ACME user private key and the HTTPS server certificate private key on a YubiKey and how to use that with letsencrypt-nosudo. So you can now enjoy browsing my blog over HTTPS! Thank you Let s Encrypt!

18 October 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 25 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes Niko Tyni wrote a new patch adding support for SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH in Pod::Man. This would complement or replace the previously implemented POD_MAN_DATE environment variable in a more generic way. Niko Tyni proposed a fix to prevent mtime variation in directories due to debhelper usage of cp --parents -p. Packages fixed The following 119 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies: aac-tactics, aafigure, apgdiff, bin-prot, boxbackup, calendar, camlmix, cconv, cdist, cl-asdf, cli-common, cluster-glue, cppo, cvs, esdl, ess, faucc, fauhdlc, fbcat, flex-old, freetennis, ftgl, gap, ghc, git-cola, globus-authz-callout-error, globus-authz, globus-callout, globus-common, globus-ftp-client, globus-ftp-control, globus-gass-cache, globus-gass-copy, globus-gass-transfer, globus-gram-client, globus-gram-job-manager-callout-error, globus-gram-protocol, globus-gridmap-callout-error, globus-gsi-callback, globus-gsi-cert-utils, globus-gsi-credential, globus-gsi-openssl-error, globus-gsi-proxy-core, globus-gsi-proxy-ssl, globus-gsi-sysconfig, globus-gss-assist, globus-gssapi-error, globus-gssapi-gsi, globus-net-manager, globus-openssl-module, globus-rsl, globus-scheduler-event-generator, globus-xio-gridftp-driver, globus-xio-gsi-driver, globus-xio, gnome-control-center, grml2usb, grub, guilt, hgview, htmlcxx, hwloc, imms, kde-l10n, keystone, kimwitu++, kimwitu-doc, kmod, krb5, laby, ledger, libcrypto++, libopendbx, libsyncml, libwps, lprng-doc, madwimax, maria, mediawiki-math, menhir, misery, monotone-viz, morse, mpfr4, obus, ocaml-csv, ocaml-reins, ocamldsort, ocp-indent, openscenegraph, opensp, optcomp, opus, otags, pa-bench, pa-ounit, pa-test, parmap, pcaputils, perl-cross-debian, prooftree, pyfits, pywavelets, pywbem, rpy, signify, siscone, swtchart, tipa, typerep, tyxml, unison2.32.52, unison2.40.102, unison, uuidm, variantslib, zipios++, zlibc, zope-maildrophost. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Packages which could not be tested: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: Lunar reported that test strings depend on default character encoding of the build system in ongl. The 189 packages composing the Arch Linux core repository are now being tested. No packages are currently reproducible, but most of the time the difference is limited to metadata. This has already gained some interest in the Arch Linux community. An explicit log message is now visible when a build has been killed due to the 12 hours timeout. (h01ger) Remote build setup has been made more robust and self maintenance has been further improved. (h01ger) The minimum age for rescheduling of already tested amd64 packages has been lowered from 14 to 7 days, thanks to the increase of hardware resources sponsored by ProfitBricks last week. (h01ger) diffoscope development diffoscope version 37 has been released on October 15th. It adds support for two new file formats (CBFS images and Debian .dsc files). After proposing the required changes to TLSH, fuzzy hashes are now computed incrementally. This will avoid reading entire files in memory which caused problems for large packages. New tests have been added for the command-line interface. More character encoding issues have been fixed. Malformed md5sums will now be compared as binary files instead of making diffoscope crash amongst several other minor fixes. Version 38 was released two days later to fix the versioned dependency on python3-tlsh. strip-nondeterminism development strip-nondeterminism version 0.013-1 has been uploaded to the archive. It fixes an issue with nonconformant PNG files with trailing garbage reported by Roland Rosenfeld. disorderfs development disorderfs version 0.4.1-1 is a stop-gap release that will disable lock propagation, unless --share-locks=yes is specified, as it still is affected by unidentified issues. Documentation update Lunar has been busy creating a proper website for that would be a common location for news, documentation, and tools for all free software projects working on reproducible builds. It's not yet ready to be published, but it's surely getting there. Homepage of the future website  Who's involved?  page of the future website Package reviews 103 reviews have been removed, 394 added and 29 updated this week. 72 FTBFS issues were reported by Chris West and Niko Tyni. New issues: random_order_in_static_libraries, random_order_in_md5sums.

8 September 2015

Dirk Eddelbuettel: It was twenty years ago today...

sgt pepper Hm, wasn't there a catchy tune that started that way? Just kidding. But about twenty years ago today I sent this email about a new Debian package upload -- and that makes it (as best as I can tell) the earliest trace of me doing Debian work. It so happened that I did upload two packages in July of 1995 as well, but it was so early in the project that we did not have a mailing list archive for such things yet (!!). And I have a vague recollection that the two in July were an adoption---whereas the post referenced above announced efax as my first new package added to the distribution. And there were more to come ... Anyway, thanks for all the fish! Twenty years with Debian has been a great, great ride. I learned a lot from a lot of fantastic people, and I hope I helped a few people along the way with a package or two I still maintain. Debian remains a truly fabulous project which I hope will go strongly for another 20 (or even 22).

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

30 July 2015

DebConf team: DebConf15 Schedule Published and Additional Featured Speakers Announced (Posted by DebConf Content Team)

DebConf15 Schedule The DebConf content team is pleased to announce the schedule of DebConf15, the forthcoming Debian Developers Conference. From a total of nearly 100 talk submissions, the team selected 75 talks. Due to the high number of submissions, several talks had to be shortened to 20 minute slots, of which a total of 30 talks have made it to the schedule. In addition, around 50 meetings and discussions (BoFs) have been submitted so far, as well as several other events like lightning talk sessions, live demos, a movie screening, a poetry night or stand-up comedy. The Schedule is available online at the DebConf15 conference site. Further changes to the schedule can and will be made, but today s announcement represents the first stable version. Featured Speakers In addition to the previously announced invited speakers, the content team also announces the following list of additional featured speakers: The full list of invited and featured speakers, including the invited speakers profiles and the titles of their talks is available here.

12 July 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 11 in Stretch cycle

Debian is undertaking a huge effort to develop a reproducible builds system. I'd like to thank you for that. This could be Debian's most important project, with how badly computer security has been going.

PerniciousPunk in Reddit's Ask me anything! to Neil McGovern, DPL. What happened in the reproducible builds effort this week: Toolchain fixes More tools are getting patched to use the value of the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable as the current time:

In the reproducible experimental toolchain which have been uploaded: Johannes Schauer followed up on making sbuild build path deterministic with several ideas. Packages fixed The following 311 packages became reproducible due to changes in their build dependencies : 4ti2, alot, angband, appstream-glib, argvalidate, armada-backlight, ascii, ask, astroquery, atheist, aubio, autorevision, awesome-extra, bibtool, boot-info-script, bpython, brian, btrfs-tools, bugs-everywhere, capnproto, cbm, ccfits, cddlib, cflow, cfourcc, cgit, chaussette, checkbox-ng, cinnamon-settings-daemon, clfswm, clipper, compton, cppcheck, crmsh, cupt, cutechess, d-itg, dahdi-tools, dapl, darnwdl, dbusada, debian-security-support, debomatic, dime, dipy, dnsruby, doctrine, drmips, dsc-statistics, dune-common, dune-istl, dune-localfunctions, easytag, ent, epr-api, esajpip, eyed3, fastjet, fatresize, fflas-ffpack, flann, flex, flint, fltk1.3, fonts-dustin, fonts-play, fonts-uralic, freecontact, freedoom, gap-guava, gap-scscp, genometools, geogebra, git-reintegrate, git-remote-bzr, git-remote-hg, gitmagic, givaro, gnash, gocr,, gprbuild, grapefruit, greed, gtkspellmm, gummiboot, gyp, heat-cfntools, herold, htp, httpfs2, i3status, imagetooth, imapcopy, imaprowl, irker, jansson, jmapviewer, jsdoc-toolkit, jwm, katarakt, khronos-opencl-man, khronos-opengl-man4, lastpass-cli, lava-coordinator, lava-tool, lavapdu, letterize, lhapdf, libam7xxx, libburn, libccrtp, libclaw, libcommoncpp2, libdaemon, libdbusmenu-qt, libdc0, libevhtp, libexosip2, libfreenect, libgwenhywfar, libhmsbeagle, libitpp, libldm, libmodbus, libmtp, libmwaw, libnfo, libpam-abl, libphysfs, libplayer, libqb, libsecret, libserial, libsidplayfp, libtime-y2038-perl, libxr, lift, linbox, linthesia, livestreamer, lizardfs, lmdb, log4c, logbook, lrslib, lvtk, m-tx, mailman-api, matroxset, miniupnpd, mknbi, monkeysign, mpi4py, mpmath, mpqc, mpris-remote, musicbrainzngs, network-manager, nifticlib, obfsproxy, ogre-1.9, opal, openchange, opensc, packaging-tutorial, padevchooser, pajeng, paprefs, pavumeter, pcl, pdmenu, pepper, perroquet, pgrouting, pixz, pngcheck, po4a, powerline, probabel, profitbricks-client, prosody, pstreams, pyacidobasic, pyepr, pymilter, pytest, python-amqp, python-apt, python-carrot, python-django, python-ethtool, python-mock, python-odf, python-pathtools, python-pskc, python-psutil, python-pypump, python-repoze.tm2, python-repoze.what, qdjango, qpid-proton, qsapecng, radare2, reclass, repsnapper, resource-agents, rgain, rttool, ruby-aggregate, ruby-albino, ruby-archive-tar-minitar, ruby-bcat, ruby-blankslate, ruby-coffee-script, ruby-colored, ruby-dbd-mysql, ruby-dbd-odbc, ruby-dbd-pg, ruby-dbd-sqlite3, ruby-dbi, ruby-dirty-memoize, ruby-encryptor, ruby-erubis, ruby-fast-xs, ruby-fusefs, ruby-gd, ruby-git, ruby-globalhotkeys, ruby-god, ruby-hike, ruby-hmac, ruby-integration, ruby-jnunemaker-matchy, ruby-memoize, ruby-merb-core, ruby-merb-haml, ruby-merb-helpers, ruby-metaid, ruby-mina, ruby-net-irc, ruby-net-netrc, ruby-odbc, ruby-ole, ruby-packet, ruby-parseconfig, ruby-platform, ruby-plist, ruby-popen4, ruby-rchardet, ruby-romkan, ruby-ronn, ruby-rubyforge, ruby-rubytorrent, ruby-samuel, ruby-shoulda-matchers, ruby-sourcify, ruby-test-spec, ruby-validatable, ruby-wirble, ruby-xml-simple, ruby-zoom, rumor, rurple-ng, ryu, sam2p, scikit-learn, serd, shellex, shorewall-doc, shunit2, simbody, simplejson, smcroute, soqt, sord, spacezero, spamassassin-heatu, spamprobe, sphinxcontrib-youtube, splitpatch, sratom, stompserver, syncevolution, tgt, ticgit, tinyproxy, tor, tox, transmissionrpc, tweeper, udpcast, units-filter, viennacl, visp, vite, vmfs-tools, waffle, waitress, wavtool-pl, webkit2pdf, wfmath, wit, wreport, x11proto-input, xbae, xdg-utils, xdotool, xsystem35, yapsy, yaz. Please note that some packages in the above list are falsely reproducible. In the experimental toolchain, debhelper exported TZ=UTC and this made packages capturing the current date (without the time) reproducible in the current test environment. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Ben Hutchings upstreamed several patches to fix Linux reproducibility issues which were quickly merged. Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Uploads that should fix packages not in main: Patches submitted which have not made their way to the archive yet: A new package set has been added for lua maintainers. (h01ger) now only shows reproducibility issues for unstable. Holger and Mattia worked on several bugfixes and enhancements: finished initial test setup for NetBSD, rewriting more shell scripts in Python, saving UDD requests, and more debbindiff development Reiner Herrmann fixed text comparison of files with different encoding. Documentation update Juan Picca added to the commands needed for a local test chroot installation of the locales-all package. Package reviews 286 obsolete reviews have been removed, 278 added and 243 updated this week. 43 new bugs for packages failing to build from sources have been filled by Chris West (Faux), Mattia Rizzolo, and h01ger. The following new issues have been added: timestamps_in_manpages_generated_by_ronn, timestamps_in_documentation_generated_by_org_mode, and timestamps_in_pdf_generated_by_matplotlib. Misc. Reiner Herrmann has submitted patches for OpenWrt. Chris Lamb cleaned up some code and removed cruft in the misc.git repository. Mattia Rizzolo updated the prebuilder script to match what is currently done on

17 May 2015

Lunar: Reproducible builds: week 2 in Stretch cycle

What happened about the reproducible builds effort for this week: Media coverage Debian's effort on reproducible builds has been covered in the June 2015 issue of Linux Magazin in Germany. Cover of Linux Magazin June 2015 Article about reproducible builds in Linux Magazin June 2015 Toolchain fixes josch rebased the experimental version of debhelper on 9.20150507. Packages fixed The following 515 packages became reproducible due to changes of their build dependencies: airport-utils, airspy-host, all-in-one-sidebar, ampache, aptfs, arpack, asciio, aspell-kk, asused, balance, batmand, binutils-avr, bioperl, bpm-tools, c2050, cakephp-instaweb, carton, cbp2make, checkbot, checksecurity, chemeq, chronicle, cube2-data, cucumber, darkstat, debci, desktop-file-utils, dh-linktree, django-pagination, dosbox, eekboek, emboss-explorer, encfs, exabgp, fbasics, fife, fonts-lexi-saebom, gdnsd, glances, gnome-clocks, gunicorn, haproxy, haskell-aws, haskell-base-unicode-symbols, haskell-base64-bytestring, haskell-basic-prelude, haskell-binary-shared, haskell-binary, haskell-bitarray, haskell-bool-extras, haskell-boolean, haskell-boomerang, haskell-bytestring-lexing, haskell-bytestring-mmap, haskell-config-value, haskell-mueval, haskell-tasty-kat, itk3, jnr-constants, jshon, kalternatives, kdepim-runtime, kdevplatform, kwalletcli, lemonldap-ng, libalgorithm-combinatorics-perl, libalgorithm-diff-xs-perl, libany-uri-escape-perl, libanyevent-http-scopedclient-perl, libanyevent-perl, libanyevent-processor-perl, libapache-session-wrapper-perl, libapache-sessionx-perl, libapp-options-perl, libarch-perl, libarchive-peek-perl, libaudio-flac-header-perl, libaudio-wav-perl, libaudio-wma-perl, libauth-yubikey-decrypter-perl, libauthen-krb5-simple-perl, libauthen-simple-perl, libautobox-dump-perl, libb-keywords-perl, libbarcode-code128-perl, libbio-das-lite-perl, libbio-mage-perl, libbrowser-open-perl, libbusiness-creditcard-perl, libbusiness-edifact-interchange-perl, libbusiness-isbn-data-perl, libbusiness-tax-vat-validation-perl, libcache-historical-perl, libcache-memcached-perl, libcairo-gobject-perl, libcarp-always-perl, libcarp-fix-1-25-perl, libcatalyst-action-serialize-data-serializer-perl, libcatalyst-controller-formbuilder-perl, libcatalyst-dispatchtype-regex-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authentication-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-authorization-acl-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-cache-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-session-store-fastmmap-perl, libcatalyst-plugin-static-simple-perl, libcatalyst-view-gd-perl, libcgi-application-dispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-authentication-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-logdispatch-perl, libcgi-application-plugin-session-perl, libcgi-application-server-perl, libcgi-compile-perl, libcgi-xmlform-perl, libclass-accessor-classy-perl, libclass-accessor-lvalue-perl, libclass-accessor-perl, libclass-c3-adopt-next-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-type-perl, libclass-field-perl, libclass-handle-perl, libclass-load-perl, libclass-ooorno-perl, libclass-prototyped-perl, libclass-returnvalue-perl, libclass-singleton-perl, libclass-std-fast-perl, libclone-perl, libconfig-auto-perl, libconfig-jfdi-perl, libconfig-simple-perl, libconvert-basen-perl, libconvert-ber-perl, libcpan-checksums-perl, libcpanplus-dist-build-perl, libcriticism-perl, libcrypt-cracklib-perl, libcrypt-dh-gmp-perl, libcrypt-mysql-perl, libcrypt-passwdmd5-perl, libcrypt-simple-perl, libcss-packer-perl, libcss-tiny-perl, libcurses-widgets-perl, libdaemon-control-perl, libdancer-plugin-database-perl, libdancer-session-cookie-perl, libdancer2-plugin-database-perl, libdata-format-html-perl, libdata-uuid-libuuid-perl, libdata-validate-domain-perl, libdate-jd-perl, libdate-simple-perl, libdatetime-astro-sunrise-perl, libdatetime-event-cron-perl, libdatetime-format-dbi-perl, libdatetime-format-epoch-perl, libdatetime-format-mail-perl, libdatetime-tiny-perl, libdatrie, libdb-file-lock-perl, libdbd-firebird-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libdbix-class-datetime-epoch-perl, libdbix-class-dynamicdefault-perl, libdbix-class-introspectablem2m-perl, libdbix-class-timestamp-perl, libdbix-connector-perl, libdbix-oo-perl, libdbix-searchbuilder-perl, libdbix-xml-rdb-perl, libdevel-stacktrace-ashtml-perl, libdigest-hmac-perl, libdist-zilla-plugin-emailnotify-perl, libemail-date-format-perl, libemail-mime-perl, libemail-received-perl, libemail-sender-perl, libemail-simple-perl, libencode-detect-perl, libexporter-tidy-perl, libextutils-cchecker-perl, libextutils-installpaths-perl, libextutils-libbuilder-perl, libextutils-makemaker-cpanfile-perl, libextutils-typemap-perl, libfile-counterfile-perl, libfile-pushd-perl, libfile-read-perl, libfile-touch-perl, libfile-type-perl, libfinance-bank-ie-permanenttsb-perl, libfont-freetype-perl, libfrontier-rpc-perl, libgd-securityimage-perl, libgeo-coordinates-utm-perl, libgit-pureperl-perl, libgnome2-canvas-perl, libgnome2-wnck-perl, libgraph-readwrite-perl, libgraphics-colornames-www-perl, libgssapi-perl, libgtk2-appindicator-perl, libgtk2-gladexml-simple-perl, libgtk2-notify-perl, libhash-asobject-perl, libhash-moreutils-perl, libhtml-calendarmonthsimple-perl, libhtml-display-perl, libhtml-fillinform-perl, libhtml-form-perl, libhtml-formhandler-model-dbic-perl, libhtml-html5-entities-perl, libhtml-linkextractor-perl, libhtml-tableextract-perl, libhtml-widget-perl, libhtml-widgets-selectlayers-perl, libhtml-wikiconverter-mediawiki-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-body-perl, libhttp-date-perl, libimage-imlib2-perl, libimdb-film-perl, libimport-into-perl, libindirect-perl, libio-bufferedselect-perl, libio-compress-lzma-perl, libio-compress-perl, libio-handle-util-perl, libio-interface-perl, libio-multiplex-perl, libio-socket-inet6-perl, libipc-system-simple-perl, libiptables-chainmgr-perl, libjoda-time-java, libjsr305-java, libkiokudb-perl, liblemonldap-ng-cli-perl, liblexical-var-perl, liblingua-en-fathom-perl, liblinux-dvb-perl, liblocales-perl, liblog-dispatch-configurator-any-perl, liblog-log4perl-perl, liblog-report-lexicon-perl, liblwp-mediatypes-perl, liblwp-protocol-https-perl, liblwpx-paranoidagent-perl, libmail-sendeasy-perl, libmarc-xml-perl, libmason-plugin-routersimple-perl, libmasonx-processdir-perl, libmath-base85-perl, libmath-basecalc-perl, libmath-basecnv-perl, libmath-bigint-perl, libmath-convexhull-perl, libmath-gmp-perl, libmath-gradient-perl, libmath-random-isaac-perl, libmath-random-oo-perl, libmath-random-tt800-perl, libmath-tamuanova-perl, libmemoize-expirelru-perl, libmemoize-memcached-perl, libmime-base32-perl, libmime-lite-tt-perl, libmixin-extrafields-param-perl, libmock-quick-perl, libmodule-cpanfile-perl, libmodule-load-conditional-perl, libmodule-starter-pbp-perl, libmodule-util-perl, libmodule-versions-report-perl, libmongodbx-class-perl, libmoo-perl, libmoosex-app-cmd-perl, libmoosex-attributehelpers-perl, libmoosex-blessed-reconstruct-perl, libmoosex-insideout-perl, libmoosex-relatedclassroles-perl, libmoosex-role-timer-perl, libmoosex-role-withoverloading-perl, libmoosex-storage-perl, libmoosex-types-common-perl, libmoosex-types-uri-perl, libmoox-singleton-perl, libmoox-types-mooselike-numeric-perl, libmousex-foreign-perl, libmp3-tag-perl, libmysql-diff-perl, libnamespace-clean-perl, libnet-bonjour-perl, libnet-cli-interact-perl, libnet-daap-dmap-perl, libnet-dbus-glib-perl, libnet-dns-perl, libnet-frame-perl, libnet-google-authsub-perl, libnet-https-any-perl, libnet-https-nb-perl, libnet-idn-encode-perl, libnet-idn-nameprep-perl, libnet-imap-client-perl, libnet-irc-perl, libnet-mac-vendor-perl, libnet-openid-server-perl, libnet-smtp-ssl-perl, libnet-smtp-tls-perl, libnet-smtpauth-perl, libnet-snpp-perl, libnet-sslglue-perl, libnet-telnet-perl, libnhgri-blastall-perl, libnumber-range-perl, libobject-signature-perl, libogg-vorbis-header-pureperl-perl, libopenoffice-oodoc-perl, libparse-cpan-packages-perl, libparse-debian-packages-perl, libparse-fixedlength-perl, libparse-syslog-perl, libparse-win32registry-perl, libpdf-create-perl, libpdf-report-perl, libperl-destruct-level-perl, libperl-metrics-simple-perl, libperl-minimumversion-perl, libperl6-slurp-perl, libpgobject-simple-perl, libplack-middleware-fixmissingbodyinredirect-perl, libplack-test-externalserver-perl, libplucene-perl, libpod-tests-perl, libpoe-component-client-ping-perl, libpoe-component-jabber-perl, libpoe-component-resolver-perl, libpoe-component-server-soap-perl, libpoe-component-syndicator-perl, libposix-strftime-compiler-perl, libposix-strptime-perl, libpostscript-simple-perl, libproc-processtable-perl, libprotocol-osc-perl, librcs-perl, libreadonly-xs-perl, libreturn-multilevel-perl, librivescript-perl, librouter-simple-perl, librrd-simple-perl, libsafe-isa-perl, libscope-guard-perl, libsemver-perl, libset-tiny-perl, libsharyanto-file-util-perl, libshell-command-perl, libsnmp-info-perl, libsoap-lite-perl, libstat-lsmode-perl, libstatistics-online-perl, libstring-compare-constanttime-perl, libstring-format-perl, libstring-toidentifier-en-perl, libstring-tt-perl, libsub-recursive-perl, libsvg-tt-graph-perl, libsvn-notify-perl, libswish-api-common-perl, libtap-formatter-junit-perl, libtap-harness-archive-perl, libtemplate-plugin-number-format-perl, libtemplate-plugin-yaml-perl, libtemplate-tiny-perl, libtenjin-perl, libterm-visual-perl, libtest-block-perl, libtest-carp-perl, libtest-classapi-perl, libtest-cmd-perl, libtest-consistentversion-perl, libtest-data-perl, libtest-databaserow-perl, libtest-differences-perl, libtest-file-sharedir-perl, libtest-hasversion-perl, libtest-kwalitee-perl, libtest-lectrotest-perl, libtest-module-used-perl, libtest-object-perl, libtest-perl-critic-perl, libtest-pod-coverage-perl, libtest-script-perl, libtest-script-run-perl, libtest-spelling-perl, libtest-strict-perl, libtest-synopsis-perl, libtest-trap-perl, libtest-unit-perl, libtest-utf8-perl, libtest-without-module-perl, libtest-www-selenium-perl, libtest-xml-simple-perl, libtest-yaml-perl, libtex-encode-perl, libtext-bibtex-perl, libtext-csv-encoded-perl, libtext-csv-perl, libtext-dhcpleases-perl, libtext-diff-perl, libtext-quoted-perl, libtext-trac-perl, libtext-vfile-asdata-perl, libthai, libthread-conveyor-perl, libthread-sigmask-perl, libtie-cphash-perl, libtie-ical-perl, libtime-stopwatch-perl, libtk-dirselect-perl, libtk-pod-perl, libtorrent, libturpial, libunicode-japanese-perl, libunicode-maputf8-perl, libunicode-stringprep-perl, libuniversal-isa-perl, libuniversal-moniker-perl, liburi-encode-perl, libvi-quickfix-perl, libvideo-capture-v4l-perl, libvideo-fourcc-info-perl, libwiki-toolkit-plugin-rss-reader-perl, libwww-mechanize-formfiller-perl, libwww-mechanize-gzip-perl, libwww-mechanize-perl, libwww-opensearch-perl, libx11-freedesktop-desktopentry-perl, libxc, libxml-dtdparser-perl, libxml-easy-perl, libxml-handler-trees-perl, libxml-libxml-iterator-perl, libxml-libxslt-perl, libxml-rss-perl, libxml-validator-schema-perl, libxml-xpathengine-perl, libxml-xql-perl, llvm-py, madbomber, makefs, mdpress, media-player-info, meta-kde-telepathy, metamonger, mmm-mode, mupen64plus-audio-sdl, mupen64plus-rsp-hle, mupen64plus-ui-console, mupen64plus-video-z64, mussort, newpid, node-formidable, node-github-url-from-git, node-transformers, nsnake, odin, otcl, parsley, pax, pcsc-perl, pd-purepd, pen, prank, proj, proot, puppet-module-puppetlabs-postgresql, python-async, python-pysnmp4, qrencode, r-bioc-graph, r-bioc-hypergraph, r-bioc-iranges, r-bioc-xvector, r-cran-pscl, rbenv, rlinetd, rs, ruby-ascii85, ruby-cutest, ruby-ejs, ruby-factory-girl, ruby-hdfeos5, ruby-kpeg, ruby-libxml, ruby-password, ruby-zip-zip, sdl-sound1.2, stterm, systemd, taktuk, tcc, tryton-modules-account-invoice, ttf-summersby, tupi, tuxpuck, unknown-horizons, unsafe-mock, vcheck, versiontools, vim-addon-manager, vlfeat, vsearch, xacobeo, xen-tools, yubikey-personalization-gui, yubikey-personalization. The following packages became reproducible after getting fixed: Some uploads fixed some reproducibility issues but not all of them: Patches submitted which did not make their way to the archive yet: Alioth now hosts a script that can be used to redo builds and test for a package. This was preliminary done manually through requests over the IRC channel. This should reduce the number of interruptions for jenkins' maintainers The graph of the oldest build per day has been fixed. Maintainance scripts will not error out when they are no files to remove. Holger Levsen started work on being able to test variations of CPU features and build date (as in build in another month of 1984) by using virtual machines. debbindiff development Version 18 has been released. It will uses proper comparators for pk3 and info files. Tar member names are now assumed to be UTF-8 encoded. The limit for the maximum number of different lines has been removed. Let's see on how it goes for pathological cases. It's now possible to specify both --html and --text output. When neither of them is specified, the default will be to print a text report on the standard output (thanks to Paul Wise for the suggestion). Documentation update Nicolas Boulenguez investigated Ada libraries. Package reviews 451 obsolete reviews have been removed and 156 added this week. New identified issues: running kernel version getting captured, random filenames in GHC debug symbols, and timestamps in headers generated by qdbusxml2cpp. Misc. Holger Levsen went to re:publica and talked about reproducible builds to developers and users there. Holger also had a chance to meet FreeBSD developers and discuss the status of FreeBSD. Investigations have started on how it could be made part of our current test system. Laurent Guerby gave Lunar access to systems in the GCC Compile Farm. Hopefully access to these powerful machines will help to fix packages for GCC, Iceweasel, and similar packages requiring long build times.

16 November 2014

John Goerzen: Contemplative Weather

Sometimes I look out the window and can t help but feel this weather is deep. Deep with meaning, with import. Almost as if the weather is confident of itself, and is challenging me to find some meaning within it. This weekend brought the first blast of winter to the plains of Kansas. Saturday was chilly and windy, and overnight a little snow fell. Just enough to cover up the ground and let the tops of the blades of grass poke through. Just enough to make the landscape look totally different, without completely hiding what lies beneath. Laura and I stood silently at the window for a few minutes this morning, gazing out over the untouched snow, extending out as far as we can see. Yesterday, I spent some time with my great uncle and aunt. My great uncle isn t doing so well. He s been battling cancer and other health issues for some time, and can t get out of the house very well. We talked for an hour and a half about news of the family, struggles in life now and in the past, and joys. There were times when all three of us had tears in our eyes, and times when all of us were laughing so loudly. My great uncle managed to stand up twice while I was there this took quite some effort once to give me a huge hug when I arrived, and another to give me an even bigger hug when I left. He has always been a person to give the most loving hugs. He hadn t been able to taste food for awhile, due to treatment for cancer. When I realized he could taste again, I asked, When should I bring you some borscht? He looked surprised, then got a huge grin, glanced at his watch, and said, Can you be back by 3:00? His brother, my grandpa, was known for his beef borscht. I also found out my great uncle s favorite kind of bread, and thought that maybe I would do some cooking for him sometime soon. Today on my way home from church, I did some shopping. I picked up the ingredients for borscht and for bread. I came home, said hi to the cats that showed up to greet me, and went inside. I turned on the radio Prairie Home Companion was on and started cooking. It takes a long time to prepare what I was working on I spent a solid two hours in the kitchen. As I was chopping up a head of cabbage, I remembered coming to what is now my house as a child, when my grandpa lived here. I remembered his borscht, zwiebach, monster cookies; his dusty but warm wood stove; his closet with toys in it. I remembered two years ago, having nearly 20 Goerzens here for Christmas, hosted by the boys and me, and the 3 gallons of borscht I made for the occasion. I poured in some tomato sauce, added some water. The radio was talking about being kind to people, remembering that others don t always have the advantages we do. Garrison Keillor s fictional boy in a small town, when asked what advantages he had, mentioned belonging. Yes, that is an advantage. We all deal with death, our own and that of loved ones, but I am so blessed by belonging to a loving family, two loving churches, a wonderful community. Out came three pounds of stew beef. Chop, chop, slice, plunk into the cast iron Dutch oven. It s my borscht pot. It looks as if it would be more at home over a campfire than a stovetop, but it works anywhere. Outside, the sun came up. The snow melts a little, and the cats start running around even though it s still below freezing. They look like they re having fun playing. I m chopping up parsley and an onion, then wrapping them up in a cheesecloth to make the spice ball for the borscht. I add the basil and dill, some salt, and plonk them in, too. My 6-quart pot is nearly overflowing as I carefully stir the hearty stew. On the radio, a woman who plays piano in a hospital and had dreamed of being on that particular radio program for 13 years finally was. She played with passion and delight I could hear through the radio. Then it s time to make bread. I pour in some warm water, add some brown sugar, and my thoughts turn to Home On The Range. I am reminded of this verse:
How often at night when the heavens are bright
With the light from the glittering stars
Have I stood here amazed and asked as I gazed
If their glory exceeds that of ours.
There s something about a beautiful landscape out the window to remind a person of all the blessings in life. This has been a quite busy weekend actually, a busy month but despite the fact I have a relative that is sick in the midst of it all, I am so blessed in so many ways. I finish off the bread, adding some yeast, and I remember my great uncle thanking me so much for visiting him yesterday. He commented that a lot of younger people have no use for visiting an old geezer like me. I told him, I ve never been like that. I am so glad I could come and visit you today. The best gifts are those that give in both directions, and this surely is that. Then I clean up the kitchen. I wipe down the counters from all the bits of cabbage that went flying. I put away all the herbs and spices I used, and finally go to sit down and reflect. From the kitchen, the smells of borscht and bread start to seep out, sweeping up the rest of the house. It takes at least 4 hours for the borscht to cook, and several hours for the bread, so this will be an afternoon of waiting with delicious smells. Soon my family will be home from all their activities of the day, and I will be able to greet them with a warm house and the same smells I stepped into when I was a boy. I remember this other verse from Home On the Range:
Where the air is so pure, the zephyrs so free,
The breezes so balmy and light,
That I would not exchange my home on the range
For all of the cities so bright.
Today s breeze is an icy blast from the north maybe not balmy in the conventional sense. But it is the breeze of home, the breeze of belonging. Even today, as I gaze out at the frozen landscape, I realize how balmy it really is, for I know I wouldn t exchange my life on the range for anything.

30 October 2014

Matthew Garrett: Hacker News metrics (first rough approach)

I'm not a huge fan of Hacker News[1]. My impression continues to be that it ends up promoting stories that align with the Silicon Valley narrative of meritocracy, technology will fix everything, regulation is the cancer killing agile startups, and discouraging stories that suggest that the world of technology is, broadly speaking, awful and we should all be ashamed of ourselves.

But as a good data-driven person[2], wouldn't it be nice to have numbers rather than just handwaving? In the absence of a good public dataset, I scraped Hacker Slide to get just over two months of data in the form of hourly snapshots of stories, their age, their score and their position. I then applied a trivial test:
  1. If the story is younger than any other story
  2. and the story has a higher score than that other story
  3. and the story has a worse ranking than that other story
  4. and at least one of these two stories is on the front page
then the story is considered to have been penalised.

(note: "penalised" can have several meanings. It may be due to explicit flagging, or it may be due to an automated system deciding that the story is controversial or appears to be supported by a voting ring. There may be other reasons. I haven't attempted to separate them, because for my purposes it doesn't matter. The algorithm is discussed here.)

Now, ideally I'd classify my dataset based on manual analysis and classification of stories, but I'm lazy (see [2]) and so just tried some keyword analysis:

A few things to note:
  1. Lots of stories are penalised. Of the front page stories in my dataset, I count 3240 stories that have some kind of penalty applied, against 2848 that don't. The default seems to be that some kind of detection will kick in.
  2. Stories containing keywords that suggest they refer to issues around social justice appear more likely to be penalised than stories that refer to technical matters
  3. There are other topics that are also disproportionately likely to be penalised. That's interesting, but not really relevant - I'm not necessarily arguing that social issues are penalised out of an active desire to make them go away, merely that the existing ranking system tends to result in it happening anyway.

This clearly isn't an especially rigorous analysis, and in future I hope to do a better job. But for now the evidence appears consistent with my innate prejudice - the Hacker News ranking algorithm tends to penalise stories that address social issues. An interesting next step would be to attempt to infer whether the reasons for the penalties are similar between different categories of penalised stories[3], but I'm not sure how practical that is with the publicly available data.

(Raw data is here, penalised stories are here, unpenalised stories are here)

[1] Moving to San Francisco has resulted in it making more sense, but really that just makes me even more depressed.
[2] Ha ha like fuck my PhD's in biology
[3] Perhaps stories about startups tend to get penalised because of voter ring detection from people trying to promote their startup, while stories about social issues tend to get penalised because of controversy detection?

comment count unavailable comments

25 July 2014

Juliana Louback: Extending an xTuple Business Object

xTuple is in my opinion incredibly well designed; the code is clean and the architecture ahderent to a standardized structure. All this makes working with xTuple software quite a breeze. I wanted to integrate JSCommunicator into the web-based xTuple version. JSCommunicator is a SIP communication tool, so my first step was to create an extension for the SIP account data. Luckily for me, the xTuple development team published an awesome tutorial for writing an xTuple extension. xTuple cleverly uses model based business objects for the various features available. This makes customizing xTuple very straightforward. I used the tutorial mentioned above for writing my extension, but soon noticed my goals were a little different. A SIP account has 3 data fields, these being the SIP URI, the account password and an optional display name. xTuple currently has a business object in the core code for a User Account and it would make a lot more sense to simply add my 3 fields to this existing business object rather than create another business object. The tutorial very clearly shows how to extend a business object with another business object, but not how to extend a business object with only new fields (not a whole new object). Now maybe I m just a whole lot slower than most people, but I had a ridiculously had time figuring this out. Mind you, this is because I m slow, because the xTuple documentation and code is understandable and as self-explanatory as it gets. I think it just takes a bit to get used to. Either way, I thought this just might be useful to others so here is how I went about it. Setup First you ll have to set up your xTuple development environment and fork the xtuple and xtuple-extesions repositories as shown in this handy tutorial. A footnote I d like to add is please verify that your version of Vagrant (and anything else you install) is the one listed in the tutorial. I think I spent like two entire days or more on a wild goose (bug) chase trying to set up my environment when the cause of all the errors was that I somehow installed an older version of Vagrant - 1.5.4 instead of 1.6.3. Please don t make the same mistake I did. Actually if for some reason you get the following error when you try using node:
<<ERROR 2014-07-10T23:52:46.948Z>> Unrecoverable exception. Cannot call method 'extend' of undefined
    at /home/vagrant/dev/xtuple/lib/backbone-x/source/model.js:37:39
    at Object.<anonymous> (/home/vagrant/dev/xtuple/lib/backbone-x/source/model.js:1364:3)
chances are, you have the wrong version. That s what happened to me. The Vagrant Virtual Development Environment automatically installs and configures everything you need, it s ready to go. So if you find yourself installing and updating and apt-gets and etc, you probably did something wrong. Coding So by now we should have the Vagrant Virtual Development Environment set up and the web app up and running and accessible at localhost:8443. So far so good. Disclaimer: You will note that much of this is similar - or rather, nearly identical - to xTuple s tutorial but there are some small but important differences and a few observations I think might be useful. Other Disclaimer: I m describing how I did it, which may or may not be up to snuff . Works for me though. Schema First let s make a schema for the table we will create with the new custom fields. Be sure to create the correct directory stucture, aka /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/<YOUR EXTENSION NAME>/database/source or in my case /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/source, and create the file create_sa_schema.sql, sa is the name of my schema. This file will contain the following lines:
do $$
  /* Only create the schema if it hasn't been created already */
  var res, sql = "select schema_name from information_schema.schemata where schema_name = 'sa'",
  res = plv8.execute(sql);
  if (!res.length)  
    sql = "create schema sa; grant all on schema sa to group xtrole;"
$$ language plv8;
Of course, feel free to replace sa with your schema name of choice. All the code described here can be found in my xtuple-extensions fork, on the sip_ext branch. Table We ll create a table containing your custom fields and a link to an existing table - the table for the existing business object you want to extend. If you re wondering why make a whole new table for a few extra fields, here s a good explanation, the case in question is adding fields to the Contact business object. You need to first figure out what table you want to link to. This might not be uber easy. I think the best way to go about it is to look at the ORMs. The xTuple ORMs are a JSON mapping between the SQL tables and the object-oriented world above the database, they re .json files found at path/to/xtuple/node_modules/xtuple/enyo-client/database/orm/models for the core business objects and at path/to/xtuplenyo-client/extensions/source/<EXTENSION NAME>/database/orm/models for exension business objects. I ll give two examples. If you look at contact.json you will see that the Contact business object refers to the table cntct . Look for the type : Contact on the line above, so we know it s the Contact business object. In my case, I wanted to extend the UserAccount and UserAccountRelation business objects, so check out user_account.json. The table listed for UserAccount is xt.usrinfo and the table listed for UserAccountRelation is xt.usrlite. A closer look at the sql files for these tables (usrinfo.sql and usrlite.sql) revealed that usrinfo is in fact a view and usrlite is A light weight table of user information used to avoid punishingly heavy queries on the public usr view . I chose to refer to xt.usrlite - that or I received error messages when trying the other table names. Now I ll make the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/source/usrlitesip.sql, to create a table with my custom fields plus the link to the urslite table. Don t quote me on this, but I m under the impression that this is the norm for naming the sql file joining tables: the name of the table you are referring to ( usrlite in this case) and your extension s name. Content of usrlitesip.sql:
select xt.create_table('usrlitesip', 'sa');
select xt.add_column('usrlitesip','usrlitesip_id', 'serial', 'primary key', 'sa');
select xt.add_column('usrlitesip','usrlitesip_usr_username', 'text', 'references xt.usrlite (usr_username)', 'sa');
select xt.add_column('usrlitesip','usrlitesip_uri', 'text', '', 'sa');
select xt.add_column('usrlitesip','usrlitesip_name', 'text', '', 'sa');
select xt.add_column('usrlitesip','usrlitesip_password', 'text', '', 'sa');
comment on table sa.usrlitesip is 'Joins User with SIP account';
Breaking it down, line 1 creates the table named usrlitesip (no duh), line 2 is for the primary key (self-explanatory). You can then add any columns you like, just be sure to add one that references the table you want to link to. I checked usrlite.sql and saw the primary key is usr_username, be sure to use the primary key of the table you are referencing. You can check what you made by executing the .sql files like so:
$ cd /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/source
$ psql -U admin -d dev -f create_sa_schema.sql
$ psql -U admin -d dev -f usrlitesip.sql
After which you will see the table with the columns you created if you enter:
$ psql -U admin -d dev -c "select * from sa.usrlitesip;"
Now create the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/source/manifest.js to put the files together and in the right order. It should contain:
  "name": "sip_account",
  "version": "1.4.1",
  "comment": "Sip Account extension",
  "loadOrder": 999,
  "dependencies": ["crm"],
  "databaseScripts": [
I think the name has to be the same you named your extension directory as in /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/<YOUR EXTENSION NAME>. I think the comment can be anything you like and you want your loadOrder to be high so it s the last thing installed (as it s an add on.) So far we are doing exactly what s instructed in the xTuple tutorial. It s repetitive, but I think you can never have too many examples to compare to. In databaseScripts you will list the two .sql files you just created for the schema and the table, plus another file to be made in the same directory named register.sql. I m not sure why you have to make the register.sql or even if you indeed have to. If you leave the file empty, there will be a build error, so put a ; in the register.sql or remove the line register.sql from manifest.js as I think for now we are good without it. Now let s update the database with our new extension:
$ cd /path/to/xtuple
$ ./scripts/build_app.js -d dev -e ../xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account
$ psql -U admin -d dev -c "select * from xt.ext;"
That last command should display a table with a list of extensions; the ones already in xtuple like crm and billing and some others plus your new extension, in this case sip_account . When you run build_app.js you ll probably see a message along the lines of <Extension name> has no client code, not building client code and that s fine because yeah, we haven t worked on the client code yet. ORM Here s where things start getting different. So ORMs link your object to an SQL table. But we DON T want to make a new business object, we want to extend an existing business object, so the ORM we will make will be a little different than the xTuple tutorial. Steve Hackbarth kindly explained this new business object/existing business object ORM concept here. First we ll create the directory /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/orm/ext, according to xTuple convention. ORMs for new business objects would be put in /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/orm/models. Now we ll create the .json file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/database/orm/ext/user_account.jscon for our ORM. Once again, don t quote me on this, but I think the name of the file should be the name of the business object you are extending, as is done in the turorial example extending the Contact object. In our case, UserAccount is defined in user_account.json and that s what I named my extension ORM too. Here s what you should place in it:
 1 [
 3     "context": "sip_account",
 4     "nameSpace": "XM",
 5     "type": "UserAccount",
 6     "table": "sa.usrlitesip",
 7     "isExtension": true,
 8     "isChild": false,
 9     "comment": "Extended by Sip",
10     "relations": [
12         "column": "usrlitesip_usr_username",
13         "inverse": "username"
15     ],
16     "properties": [
18         "name": "uri",
19         "attr":  
20           "type": "String",
21           "column": "usrlitesip_uri",
22           "isNaturalKey": true
24        ,
26         "name": "displayName",
27         "attr":  
28           "type": "String",
29           "column": "usrlitesip_name"
31        ,
33         "name": "sipPassword",
34         "attr":  
35           "type": "String",
36           "column": "usrlitesip_password"
39     ],
40     "isSystem": true
41    ,
43     "context": "sip_account",
44     "nameSpace": "XM",
45     "type": "UserAccountRelation",
46     "table": "sa.usrlitesip",
47     "isExtension": true,
48     "isChild": false,
49     "comment": "Extended by Sip",
50     "relations": [
52         "column": "usrlitesip_usr_username",
53         "inverse": "username"
55     ],
56     "properties": [
58         "name": "uri",
59         "attr":  
60           "type": "String",
61           "column": "usrlitesip_uri",
62           "isNaturalKey": true
64        ,
66         "name": "displayName",
67         "attr":  
68           "type": "String",
69           "column": "usrlitesip_name"
71        ,
73         "name": "sipPassword",
74         "attr":  
75           "type": "String",
76           "column": "usrlitesip_password"
79     ],
80     "isSystem": true
82 ]
Note the context is my extension name, because the context + nameSpace + type combo has to be unique. We already have a UserAccount and UserAccountRelation object in the XM namespace in the xtuple context in the original user_account.json, now we will have a UserAccount and UserAccountRelation object in the XM namespace in the sip_account conext. What else is important? Note that isExtension is true on lines 7 and 47 and the relations item contains the column of the foreign key we referenced. This is something you might want to verify: column (lines 12 and 52) is the name of the attribute on your table. When we made a reference to the primary key usr_usrname from the xt.usrlite table we named that column usrlitesip_usr_usrname. But the inverse is the attribute name associated with the original sql column in the original ORM. Did I lose you? I had a lot of trouble with this silly thing. In the original ORM that created a new UserAccount business object, the primary key attribute is named username , as can be seen here. That is what should be used for the inverse value. Not the sql column name (usr_username) but the object attribute name (username). I m emphasizing this because I made that mistake and if I can spare you the pain I will. If we rebuild our extension everything should come along nicely, but you won t see any changes just yet in the web app because we haven t created the client code. Client Create the directory /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client which is where we ll keep all the client code. Extend Workspace View I want the fields I added to show up on the form to create a new User Account, so I need to extend the view for the User Account workspace. I ll start by creating a directory /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/views and in it creating a file named workspace.js containing this code:
XT.extensions.sip_account.initWorkspace = function ()  
	var extensions = [
  	 kind: "onyx.GroupboxHeader", container: "mainGroup", content: "_sipAccount".loc() ,
  	 kind: "XV.InputWidget", container: "mainGroup", attr: "uri"  ,
  	 kind: "XV.InputWidget", container: "mainGroup", attr: "displayName"  ,
  	 kind: "XV.InputWidget", container: "mainGroup", type:"password", attr: "sipPassword"  
	XV.appendExtension("XV.UserAccountWorkspace", extensions);
So I m initializing my workspace and creating an array of items to add (append) to view XV.UserAccountWorkspace. The first item is this onyx.GroupboxHeader which is a pretty divider for my new form fields, the kind you find in the web app at Setup > User Accounts, like Overview . I have no idea what other options there are for container other than mainGroup , so let s stick to that. I ll explain content: _sipAccount .loc() in a bit. Next I created three input fields of the XV.InputWidget kind. This also confused me a bit as there are different kinds of input to be used, like dropdowns and checkboxes. The only advice I can give is snoop around the webapp, find an input you like and look up the corresponding workspace.js file to see what was used. What we just did is (should be) enough for the new fields to show up on the User Account form. But before we see things change, we have to package the client. Create the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/views/package.js. This file is needed to package groups of files and indicates the order the files should be loaded (for more on that, see this). For now, all the file will contain is:
You also need to package the views directory containing workspace.js, so create the file Create the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/package.js and in it show that the directory views and its contents must be part of the higher level package:
I like to think of it as a box full of smaller boxes. This will sound terrible, but apparently you also need to create the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/core.js containing this line:
XT.extensions.icecream =  ;
I don t know why. As soon as I find out I ll be sure to inform you. As we ve added a file to the client directory, be sure to update /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/package.js so it included the new file:
Translations Remember _sipAccount .loc() in our workspace.js file? xTuple has great internationalization support and it s easy to use. Just create the directory and file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/en/strings.js and in it put key-value pairs for labels and their translation, like this:
(function ()  
  "use strict";
  var lang = XT.stringsFor("en_US",  
    "_sipAccount": "Sip Account",
    "_uri": "Sip URI",
    "_displayName": "Display Name",
    "_sipPassword": "Password"
  if (typeof exports !== 'undefined')  
    exports.language = lang;
So far I included all the labels I used in my Sip Account form. If you write the wrong label (key) or forget to include a corresponding key-value pair in strings.js, xTuple will simply name your lable _lableName , underscore and all. Now build your extension and start up the server:
$ cd /path/to/xtuple 
$ ./scripts/build_app.js -d dev -e ../xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account
$ node node-datasource/main.js
If the server is already running, just stop it and restart it to reflect your changes. Now if you go to Setup > User Accounts and click the + button, you should see a nice little addition to the form with a Sip Account divider and three new fields. Nice, eh? Extend Parameters Currently you can search your User Accounts list using any of the User Account fields. It would be nice to be able to search with the Sip account fields we added as well. To do that, let s create the directory /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/widgets and there create the file parameter.js to extend XV.UserAccountListParameters. One again, you ll have to look this up. In the xTuple code you ll find the application s parameter.js in /path/to/xtuple/enyo-client/application/source/widgets. Search for the business object you are extending (for example, XV.UserAccount) and look for some combination of the business object name and Parameters . If there s more than one, try different ones. Not a very refined method, but it worked for me. Here s the content of our parameter.js:
XT.extensions.sip_account.initParameterWidget = function ()  
  var extensions = [
     kind: "onyx.GroupboxHeader", content: "_sipAccount".loc() ,
     name: "uri", label: "_uri".loc(), attr: "uri", defaultKind: "XV.InputWidget" ,
     name: "displayName", label: "_displayName".loc(), attr: "displayName", defaultKind: "XV.InputWidget" 
  XV.appendExtension("XV.UserAccountListParameters", extensions);
Node that I didn t include a search field for the password attribute for obvious reasons. Now once again, we package this new code addition by creating a /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/widgets/package.js file:
We also have to update /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/package.js:
Rebuild the extension (and restart the server) and go to Setup > User Accounts. Press the magnifying glass button on the upper left side of the screen and you ll see many options for filtering the User Accounts, among them the SIP Uri and Display Name. Extend List View You might want your new fields to show up on the list of User Accounts. There s a bit of an issue here because unlike what we did in workspace.js and parameter.js, we can t append new things to the list of UserAccounts with the funciton XV.appendExtension(args). First I tried overwriting the original UserAccountList, which works but it s far from ideal as this could result in a loss of data from the core implementation. After some discussion with the xTuple dev community, now there s a better alternative: Create the file /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/views/list.js and add the following:
1 var oldUserAccountListCreate = XV.UserAccountList.prototype.create;
3 XV.UserAccountList.prototype.create = function ()  
4   oldUserAccountListCreate.apply(this, arguments);
5   this.createComponent(
6    kind: "XV.ListColumn", container: this.$.listItem, components: [
7         kind: "XV.ListAttr", attr: "uri" 
8    ] )
9  ;
To understand what I m doing, check out the XV.UserAccountList implementation in /path/to/xtuple/enyo-client/application/source/views/list.js the entire highlighted part. What we are doing is extending XV.UserAccountList through prototype-chaining ; this is how inheritance works with Enyo. In line 1 we create a prototype and in line 4 we inherit the features including original components array which the list is based on. We then create an additional component immitating the setup shown in XV.UserAccountList: An XV.ListColumn containing an XV.ListAttr, which should be placed in the XV.ListItem components array as is done with the existing columns (refer to implementation). Components can or should (?) have names which are used to access said components. You d refer to a specific component by the this.$.componentName hash. The components in XV.UserAccountList don t have names, so Enyo automatically names them (apparently) based on the kind name, for example something of the kind ListItem is named listItem. I found this at random after a lot of trial and error and it s not a bullet proof solution. Can be bettered. It s strange because if you encapsulate that code with
XT.extensions.sip_account.initList = function ()  
 //Code here
as is done with parameter.js and workspace.js (and in the xTuple tutorial you are supposed to do that with a new business object), it doesn t work. I have no idea why. This might be wrong or against xTuple coding norms; I will find out and update this post ASAP. But it does work this way. * shrugs * That said, as we ve created the list.js file, we need to ad it to our package by editing /path/to/xtuple-extensions/source/sip_account/client/views/package.js:
That s all. Rebuild the app and restart your server and when you select Setup > User Accounts in the web app you should see the Sip URI displayed on the User Accounts that have the Sip Account data. Add a new User Account to try this out.

12 May 2014

Benjamin Mako Hill: Google Has Most of My Email Because It Has All of Yours

Republished by Slate. Translations available in French (Fran ais), Spanish (Espa ol), Chinese ( ) For almost 15 years, I have run my own email server which I use for all of my non-work correspondence. I do so to keep autonomy, control, and privacy over my email and so that no big company has copies of all of my personal email. A few years ago, I was surprised to find out that my friend Peter Eckersley a very privacy conscious person who is Technology Projects Director at the EFF used Gmail. I asked him why he would willingly give Google copies of all his email. Peter pointed out that if all of your friends use Gmail, Google has your email anyway. Any time I email somebody who uses Gmail and anytime they email me Google has that email. Since our conversation, I have often wondered just how much of my email Google really has. This weekend, I wrote a small program to go through all the email I have kept in my personal inbox since April 2004 (when Gmail was started) to find out. One challenge with answering the question is that many people, like Peter, use Gmail to read, compose, and send email but they configure Gmail to send email from a From address. To catch these, my program looks through each message s headers that record which computers handled the message on its way to my server and to pick out messages that have traveled through,, or Although I usually filter them, my personal mailbox contains emails sent through a number of mailing lists. Since these mailing lists often hide the true provenance of a message, I exclude all messages that are marked as coming from lists using the (usually invisible) Precedence header. The following graph shows the numbers of emails in my personal inbox each week in red and the subset from Google in blue. Because the number of emails I receive week-to-week tends to vary quite a bit, I ve included a LOESS smoother which shows a moving average over several weeks. Emails, total and from GMail, over timeFrom eyeballing the graph, the answer to seems to be that, although it varies, about a third of the email in my inbox comes from Google! Keep in mind that this is all of my personal email and includes automatic and computer generated mail from banks and retailers, etc. Although it is true that Google doesn t have these messages, it suggests that the proportion of my truly personal email that comes via Google is probably much higher. I would also like to know how much of the email I send goes to Google. I can do this by looking at emails in my inbox that I have replied to. This works if I am willing to assume that if I reply to an email sent from Google, it ends up back at Google. In some ways, doing this addresses the problem with the emails from retailers and banks since I am very unlikely to reply to those emails. In this sense, it also reflects a measure of more truly personal email. I ve broken down the proportions of emails I received that come from Google in the graph below for all email (top) and for emails I have replied to (bottom). In the graphs, the size of the dots represents the total number of emails counted to make that proportion. Once again, I ve included the LOESS moving average. Proportion of emails from GMail over timeThe answer is surprisingly large. Despite the fact that I spend hundreds of dollars a year and hours of work to host my own email server, Google has about half of my personal email! Last year, Google delivered 57% of the emails in my inbox that I replied to. They have delivered more than a third of all the email I ve replied to every year since 2006 and more than half since 2010. On the upside, there is some indication that the proportion is going down. So far this year, only 51% of the emails I ve replied to arrived from Google. The numbers are higher than I imagined and reflect somewhat depressing news. They show how it s complicated to think about privacy and autonomy for communication between parties. I m not sure what to do except encourage others to consider, in the wake of the Snowden revelations and everything else, whether you really want Google to have all your email. And half of mine. If you want to run the analysis on your own, you re welcome to the Python and R code I used to produce the numbers and graphs.

24 January 2014

Gerfried Fuchs: Julia Engelmann

This is something different. It is something special. She is something special. I don't even remember how I stumbled upon her, actually. I think it was some suggested video somehow. I feel deeply sorry for those who don't understand German. But that's the way it is, the text is in German. And it's touching. Take your time, listen to it in a relaxed environment, when you don't have any distraction. There you are. And I'm sorry for those who don't understand German, but I don't want to hold this back from the others. And I am definitely looking forward to hear more from her. Hopefully she helps me motivate myself to write something new for the upcoming debconf and hold yet another poetry night there. And hopefully it also motivates others to join in.

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6 December 2013

Petter Reinholdtsen: Debian Edu interview: Klaus Knopper

It has been a while since I managed to publish the last interview, but the Debian Edu / Skolelinux community is still going strong, and yesterday we even had a new school administrator show up on #debian-edu to share his success story with installing Debian Edu at their school. This time I have been able to get some helpful comments from the creator of Knoppix, Klaus Knopper, who was involved in a Skolelinux project in Germany a few years ago. Who are you, and how do you spend your days? I am Klaus Knopper. I have a master degree in electrical engineering, and is currently professor in information management at the university of applied sciences Kaiserslautern / Germany and freelance Open Source software developer and consultant. All of this is pretty much of the work I spend my days with. Apart from teaching, I'm also conducting some more or less experimental projects like the Knoppix GNU/Linux live system (Debian-based like Skolelinux), ADRIANE (a blind-friendly talking desktop system) and LINBO (Linux-based network boot console, a fast remote install and repair system supporting various operating systems). How did you get in contact with the Skolelinux / Debian Edu project? The credit for this have to go to Kurt Gramlich, who is the German coordinator for Skolelinux. We were looking for an all-in-one open source community-supported distribution for schools, and Kurt introduced us to Skolelinux for this purpose. What do you see as the advantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? What do you see as the disadvantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? For these reasons and experience from our project, I would now rather consider using plain Debian for schools next time, until Skolelinux is more closely integrated into Debian and becomes upgradeable without reinstallation. Which free software do you use daily? GNU/Linux with LXDE desktop, bash for interactive dialog and programming, texlive for documentation and correspondence, occasionally LibreOffice for document format conversion. Various programming languages for teaching. Which strategy do you believe is the right one to use to get schools to use free software? Strong arguments are

11 November 2013

Gunnar Wolf: Talking in Paran : Free Software philosophy / the Debian project. PS: Want to contribute?

I'm very happy: I was finally able to present a talk at a Free Software conference in Paran , Argentina Regina's hometown. Not only in Paran , but at the Vieja Usina culture center, half a block away from her parents' house. So, I must doubly thank Laura: First, for letting us know there would be a Free Software conference there, and second, for taking some pictures :- What was this conference? Conferencia Regional de Software Libre, organized by Grupo de Usuarios de GNU/Linux de Entre R os (GUGLER). Of course, flying to Argentina (and more specifically, to Paran , which is ~500Km away from the international airport) just for a one day conference was out of the question So I gave the talk by videoconference. Of course, given we will be travelling for the December vacations to Argentina, I expect to meet in person the GUGLER guys soon. I gave a single talk, mixing together two different topics: (my very personal take on) the Free Software philosophy and Debian's place in the Free Software universe. I had a very good time giving the talk, and while I was unable to look at my audience, I got reports saying they were happy and interested. I even got some mails from them, which makes me quite happy ;-) Now, one of the recurring points whenever I talk about Debian: I often tell people that I cannot tell them why they should use Debian instead of other distributions. My years testing every distribution I come across are long gone, and I nowadays am familiar with Debian only. But I also tell them that personally I gain nothing by having more Debian users in the world What I want to achieve is the next logical step: To have more people contributing to Debian. So, here is a great opportunity for interested people, specifically a group that often has a hard time finding a way to collaborate with Free Software projects. Today, Paul Tagliamonte published a call for proposals for Debian 8 (Jessie)'s artwork. So, given many people always want to find a way to contribute to Free Software without being a coder, here's a golden opportunity. You can look at the themes sent for Debian 7 as a reference; look also at the technical requirements for your artwork, and... Well, you have until early February to work on it!

26 June 2013

Benjamin Mako Hill: Lookalikes

sacher_pde Is Franz Sacher, the Inventor of the famous sachertorte, still alive and and working at the at the Electronic Frontier Foundation? Might this help explain why EFF Technology Project Director Peter Eckersley is so concerned about protecting privacy and pseudonymity?

25 February 2013

Francesca Ciceri: Three Harry Potter crossovers you want to read least, if you are into fan fictions and Harry Potter. I love fan fictions, and I'll shamelessly admit that I like Harry Potter too, but I usually avoid crossovers. That is because however interesting and exciting is - in theory - to have your favourite characters from different fandoms together, it often ends bad. So, it's a public duty of every fanfic reader to recommend good crossovers, if they stumble upon them. Here are some I found recently (all the quotes are from the stories' summaries). If you read any of these and want to talk about it or if you have more crossovers to recommend, drop me a mail. For more fan fiction recommendations, I suggest you to check this detailed index on

27 December 2012

Jan Wagner: Roast Goose

This year it turned out that we had to care the first time for ourself about Christmas dinner. So we decided to try a roast goose. Obtaining the goose is a different story and will maybe told later. The second challenge was to select a recipe. We found a great one at Die Rezeptesammlung der Unix-AG

14 November 2012

Petter Reinholdtsen: Debian Edu interview: Angela Fu

Here is another interview with one of the people in the Debian Edu and Skolelinux community. I am running short on people willing to be interviewed, so if you know about someone I should interview, Please send me an email. After asking for many months, I finally managed to lure another one of the people behind the German "IT-Zukunft Schule" project out from maternity leave to conduct an interview. Give a warm welcome to Angela Fu . :) Who are you, and how do you spend your days? I am a 39-year-old woman living in the very north of Germany near Denmark. I live in a patchwork family with "my man" Mike Gabriel, my two daughters, Mikes daughter and Mikes and my rather newborn son. At the moment - because of our little baby - I am spending most of the day by being a caring and organising mom for all the kids. Besides that I am really involved into and occupied with several inner growth processes: New born souls always bring the whole familiar system into movement and that needs time and focus ;-). We are also in the middle of buying a house and moving to it. In 2013 I will work again in my job in a German foundation for nature conservation. I am doing public relation work there. Besides that - and that is the connection to Skolelinux / Debian Edu - I am working in our own school project "IT-Zukunft Schule" in North Germany. I am responsible for the quality assurance, the customer relationship management and the communication processes in the project. Since 2001 I constantly have been training myself in communication and leadership. Besides that I am a forester, a landscaping gardener and a yoga teacher. How did you get in contact with the Skolelinux / Debian Edu project? I fell in love with Mike ;-). Very soon after getting to know him I was completely enrolled into Free Software. At this time Mike did IT-services for one newly founded school in Kiel. Other schools in Kiel needed concepts for their IT environment. Often when Mike came home from working at the newly founded school I found myself listening to his complaints about several points where the communication with the schools head or the teachers did not work. So we were clear that he would not work for one more school if we did not set up a structure for communication between him, the schools head, the teachers, the students and the parents. Together with our friend and hardware supplier Andreas Buchholz we started to get an overview of free software solutions suitable for schools. One day before Christmas 2010 Mike and I had a date with Kurt Gramlich in G tersloh. As Kurt and I are really interested in building networks of people and in being in communication we dived into Skolelinux and brought it to the first grammar schools in Northern Germany. For information about our school project you can read the interview with Mike Gabriel. What do you see as the advantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? First I have to say: I cannot answer this question technically. My answer comes rather from a social point of view. The biggest advantage of Skolelinux / Debian Edu I see is the large and strong international community of Debian Developers in the background which is very alive and connected over mailinglists, blogs and meetings. My constant feeling for the Debian Community is: If something does not work they will somehow fix it. All is well ;-). This is of course a user experience. What I also get as a big advantage of Skolelinux / Debian Edu is that everybody who uses it and works with it can also contribute to it - that includes students, teachers, parents... What do you see as the disadvantages of Skolelinux / Debian Edu? I will answer this question relating to the internal structure of Skolelinux / Debian Edu. What I see as a major disadvantage is that there is a gap between the group of developers for Debian Edu and the people who make the marketing, that means the people that bring Skolelinux to the schools. There is a lack of communication between these two groups and I think that does not really work for Skolelinux / Debian Edu. Further I appreciate that Skolelinux / Debian Edu is known as a do-ocracy. Nevertheless I keep asking myself if at some points a democracy or some kind of hierarchical project structure would be good and helpful. I am also missing some kind of contact between the Skolelinux / Debian Edu communities in Europe or on an international level. I think it would be good if there was more sharing between the different countries using Skolelinux / Debian Edu. Which free software do you use daily? On my laptop I am still using an Ubuntu 10.04 with a Gnome Desktop on. As applications I use, Gedit, Firefox, Pidgin, LaTeX and GnuCash. For mails I am using Horde. And I am really fond of my N900 running with Maemo. Which strategy do you believe is the right one to use to get schools to use free software? I am really convinced that in our school project "IT-Zukunft Schule" we have developed (and keep developing) a great way to get schools to use Free Software. We have written a detailed concept for that so I cannot explain the whole thing here. But in a nutshell the strategy has three crucial pillars:

1 April 2012

Joey Hess: ls: the missing options

I'm honored and pleased to be the person who gets to complete ls. This project, begun around when I was born, was slow to turn into anything more than a simple for loop over a dirent. It really took off in the mid and late 80's, when Richard Stallman added numerous features, and the growth has been steady ever since. But, a glance at the man page shows that ls has never quite been complete. It fell to me to finish the job, and I have produced several handy patches to this end: The only obvious lack now is a -z option, which should make output filenames be NULL terminated for consuption by other programs. I think this would be easy to write, but I've been extermely busy IRL (moving lots of furniture) and didn't get to it. Any takers to write it? Due to the nature of these patches, they conflict with each other. Here's a combined patch suitable to be applied and tested.
diff -ur orig/coreutils-8.13/src/ls.c coreutils-8.13/src/ls.c
--- orig/coreutils-8.13/src/ls.c    2011-07-28 06:38:27.000000000 -0400
+++ coreutils-8.13/src/ls.c 2012-04-01 12:41:56.835106346 -0400
@@ -270,6 +270,7 @@
 static int format_group_width (gid_t g);
 static void print_long_format (const struct fileinfo *f);
 static void print_many_per_line (void);
+static void print_jam (void);
 static size_t print_name_with_quoting (const struct fileinfo *f,
                                        bool symlink_target,
                                        struct obstack *stack,
@@ -382,6 +383,7 @@
    many_per_line for just names, many per line, sorted vertically.
    horizontal for just names, many per line, sorted horizontally.
    with_commas for just names, many per line, separated by commas.
+   jam to fit in the most information possible.
    -l (and other options that imply -l), -1, -C, -x and -m control
    this parameter.  */
@@ -392,7 +394,8 @@
     one_per_line,      /* -1 */
     many_per_line,     /* -C */
     horizontal,            /* -x */
-    with_commas            /* -m */
+    with_commas,       /* -m */
+    jam            /* -j */
 static enum format format;
@@ -630,6 +633,11 @@
 static bool immediate_dirs;
+/* True means when multiple directories are being displayed, combine
+ * their contents as if all in one directory. -e */
+static bool entangle_dirs;
 /* True means that directories are grouped before files. */
 static bool directories_first;
@@ -705,6 +713,10 @@
 static bool format_needs_type;
+/* Answer "yes" to all prompts. */
+static bool yes;
 /* An arbitrary limit on the number of bytes in a printed time stamp.
    This is set to a relatively small value to avoid the need to worry
    about denial-of-service attacks on servers that run "ls" on behalf
@@ -804,6 +816,7 @@
    "escape", no_argument, NULL, 'b' ,
    "directory", no_argument, NULL, 'd' ,
    "dired", no_argument, NULL, 'D' ,
+   "entangle", no_argument, NULL, 'e' ,
    "full-time", no_argument, NULL, FULL_TIME_OPTION ,
    "group-directories-first", no_argument, NULL,
@@ -849,12 +862,12 @@
 static char const *const format_args[] =
   "verbose", "long", "commas", "horizontal", "across",
-  "vertical", "single-column", NULL
+  "vertical", "single-column", "jam", NULL
 static enum format const format_types[] =
   long_format, long_format, with_commas, horizontal, horizontal,
-  many_per_line, one_per_line
+  many_per_line, one_per_line, jam
 ARGMATCH_VERIFY (format_args, format_types);
@@ -1448,6 +1461,9 @@
       print_dir_name = true;
+  if (entangle_dirs)
+      print_current_files ();
   if (print_with_color)
       int j;
@@ -1559,6 +1575,7 @@
   print_block_size = false;
   indicator_style = none;
   print_inode = false;
+  yes = false;
   dereference = DEREF_UNDEFINED;
   recursive = false;
   immediate_dirs = false;
@@ -1644,7 +1661,7 @@
       int oi = -1;
       int c = getopt_long (argc, argv,
-                           "abcdfghiklmnopqrstuvw:xABCDFGHI:LNQRST:UXZ1",
+                           "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw:xyABCDFGHI:LNQRST:UXZ1",
                            long_options, &oi);
       if (c == -1)
@@ -1667,6 +1684,10 @@
           immediate_dirs = true;
+   case 'e':
+          entangle_dirs = true;
+     break;
         case 'f':
           /* Same as enabling -a -U and disabling -l -s.  */
           ignore_mode = IGNORE_MINIMAL;
@@ -1697,6 +1718,10 @@
           print_inode = true;
+   case 'j':
+     format = jam;
+     break;
         case 'k':
           human_output_opts = 0;
           file_output_block_size = output_block_size = 1024;
@@ -1765,6 +1790,10 @@
           format = horizontal;
+   case 'y':
+     yes = true;
+     break;
         case 'A':
           if (ignore_mode == IGNORE_DEFAULT)
             ignore_mode = IGNORE_DOT_AND_DOTDOT;
@@ -2510,7 +2539,7 @@
       DEV_INO_PUSH (dir_stat.st_dev, dir_stat.st_ino);
-  if (recursive   print_dir_name)
+  if ((recursive   print_dir_name) && ! entangle_dirs)
       if (!first)
         DIRED_PUTCHAR ('\n');
@@ -2526,7 +2555,8 @@
   /* Read the directory entries, and insert the subfiles into the  cwd_file'
      table.  */
-  clear_files ();
+  if (! entangle_dirs)
+     clear_files ();
   while (1)
@@ -2615,7 +2645,7 @@
       DIRED_PUTCHAR ('\n');
-  if (cwd_n_used)
+  if (cwd_n_used && ! entangle_dirs)
     print_current_files ();
@@ -3464,6 +3494,10 @@
       print_with_commas ();
+    case jam:
+      print_jam ();
+      break;
     case long_format:
       for (i = 0; i < cwd_n_used; i++)
@@ -4418,6 +4452,24 @@
   putchar ('\n');
+static void
+print_jam (void)
+  size_t filesno;
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  for (filesno = 0; filesno < cwd_n_used; filesno++)
+      struct fileinfo const *f = sorted_file[filesno];
+      size_t len = length_of_file_name_and_frills (f);
+      print_file_name_and_frills (f, pos);
+      pos += len;
+  putchar ('\n');
 /* Assuming cursor is at position FROM, indent up to position TO.
    Use a TAB character instead of two or more spaces whenever possible.  */
@@ -4627,11 +4679,13 @@
   -D, --dired                generate output designed for Emacs' dired mode\n\
 "), stdout);
       fputs (_("\
+  -e, --entangle             display multiple directory contents as one\n\
   -f                         do not sort, enable -aU, disable -ls --color\n\
   -F, --classify             append indicator (one of */=>@ ) to entries\n\
       --file-type            likewise, except do not append  *'\n\
       --format=WORD          across -x, commas -m, horizontal -x, long -l,\n\
                                single-column -1, verbose -l, vertical -C\n\
+                               jam -j\n\
       --full-time            like -l --time-style=full-iso\n\
 "), stdout);
       fputs (_("\
@@ -4667,6 +4721,8 @@
   -i, --inode                print the index number of each file\n\
   -I, --ignore=PATTERN       do not list implied entries matching shell PATTERN\
+  -j                         jam output together, makes the most of limited\n\
+                             space on modern systems (cell phones, twitter)\n\
   -k                         like --block-size=1K\n\
 "), stdout);
       fputs (_("\
@@ -4733,6 +4789,7 @@
   -w, --width=COLS           assume screen width instead of current value\n\
   -x                         list entries by lines instead of by columns\n\
   -X                         sort alphabetically by entry extension\n\
+  -y                         answer all questions with \"yes\"\n\
   -Z, --context              print any SELinux security context of each file\n\
   -1                         list one file per line\n\
 "), stdout);
It remains to be seen if multi-option enabled coreutils will be accepted into Debian in time for the next release. Due to some disagreements with the coreutils maintainer, the matter has been referred to the Technical Committee (Flattr me) Traditionally new ls contributors stop once enough options have been added that they can spell their name, in the best traditions of yellow snow. Once ls -richard -stallman worked, I'm sure RMS moved on other other more pressing concerns. The current maintainer, David MacKenzie, was clearly not done yet, since only ls -david -mack worked. But he was being slow to add these last few features, and ls was very deficient in the realm of spelling my name (ls -o -hss .. srsly?), so I took matter into my own hands in the best tradition of free software.

30 March 2012

Joey Hess: podcasts that don't suck

My public radio station is engaged in a most obnoxious spring pledge drive. Good time to listen to podcasts. Here are the ones I'm currently liking.

